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Advertiser FAQs

Below are some answers to questions that you may find useful. Click here to show or hide all of the answers.


What is TopTechJobs?

What can TopTechJobs do for me?

How can I get in touch?

Your account

How can I reset or change my password?

I no longer have access to my email address, how can I reset my password?

What is two-factor authentication?

I have two-factor authentication set up, but I no longer have access to the mobile device or phone number I used.

My phone number is changing, or has changed, how do I update my account to receive codes to my new number?

I keep getting 'incorrect code' error messages when entering my authentication code.

Can I use an authenticator app on multiple devices?

How can I add additional users to our account?

How do I activate a pending user?

Can I pay my invoices online?

How do I convert my quote into a payable invoice?

How can I update my company details?

Posting jobs

What are the benefits to posting my job with TopTechJobs?

What is the right job posting product for me?

Can I promote my job to gain maximum exposure?

Can you post jobs on my behalf?

Can I add my company's branding to our job postings?

How can I save my job for re-use later?

Can I theme or customise the job application form?

Managing jobs

Can I make amendments to my job posting?

Can I promote a job I have already posted?

How do I extend or re-post my job postings?

How do I view job applications online?

Resume database

What is the Resume database?

Can I receive Resume alerts by email?

How can I improve the relevance of my search results?

Can I view my downloaded Resumes again?

Why are some candidates showing as 'Request Access'?

What is the Resume Basket?

How do I tag and categorise candidates?